Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Campin' At Teh State Park

Mt. Evans, to the west of DenBRRRR. In the summer, there's a breath-taking, literally, drive to the top. You get to spend a couple hours at least over 14,000 up in the sky.

Pikes Peak, to the south of DenBRRRR. We're looking over the city of Centennial from Cherry Creek State Park.

The Denver Tech Center seen from the park and reservoir. Nice views from them buildings.

The snew is gone from the "lower" elevations.

One a my favorite spots. Shady in summer, fairly sunny in winter. You can watch the goings on from here.

My bride is working on a quilt for vets.

I'm either cleaning up the insides of the Windy or farting around. About equal amounts of each.

Sunset, in case you were wondering.

The Windy is still winterized, so I didn't hook up the plumbing.

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